Produced by Quattrociocchi. Made by crushing organic olives with lemons during production.
Sticlă 250g
Potrivit pentru a fi oferit în dar pasionaților de preparate tradiționale italiene.
În Stoc
The gourmet organic aromatic oils from Quattrociocchi are a must-try. Specially fused with real lemons during the crushing of the olives, this oil is made exclusively from olives grown on their organic farm in Alatri from the Moraiolo, Leccino and Frantoio varieties. Lemon olive oil is a wonderful addition to any cook’s kitchen. Try it on grilled fish or vegetables, in salad dressings or drizzled over hummus and goat cheeses.
Made by crushing organic olives with lemons during production.
Extra virgin olive oil is arguably the best edible oil with its pleasant flavor, antioxidant properties and health benefits. Rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamin K, and vitamin E.
It is since 1888 that the Quattrociocchi family is edicated to the cultivation of olive trees, handing over the years this passion and keeping in time and in full respect of tradition.
The farm, still the residence of Quattrociocchi family, is situated among olive trees. Also in the wake of the best tradition, Americo Quattrociocchi grandson of the founder, produces his best oil promoting it on the best worldwide markets.
The results came and the oil from Quattrociocchi has received prestigious awards, the Hercules OLIVARIO, the International Prize BIOL, Der Feinschmecker, the SOL D’ORO and FLOS OLEI 2011 and 2013.